Hope with Priyanka

Reiki level 1 & 2, 3 ,4 5 and Grandmaster Course

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Reiki level 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 and Grandmaster Course

Price @ Rs 1100 to Rs 21000

Duration 2 days with 3 hours daily class

Learn Reiki level 1,2,3,4,5 and Grand master from Mrs Priyamka Tandon

Kindly Note: This Course is Fully Professional Accredited as you will get a certificate of completion from Hope Foundation for completion of your course

Reiki First Degree (Level 1)

Course Content : What is Reiki, History of Reiki, Scientific principle of Reiki, Preparing for attunement, Attunement Ceremony, Self Healing Process, Others healing, Code of Ethics for Healers, Protection of Self Energies, Things to Do and Donts, About seven major charkas, Four levels of the Universe, About Aura, Aura Cleansing Process, Initiation (A particular method to open energy centres by the master) &24 positions of self-healing.

Fee 1100

Duration 3 hours class

Reiki Second Degree (Level 2)

Course Content : First Degree revision, Three Symbols, Use of Symbols, Symbols to increase the healing capacity, Attunement Ceremony, About Aura’s clearing process, Use of crystals in healing process, Origin and uses of symbols, Distant healing method, Self Healing and Others Healings, Your Daily Self Healing Process, Group healing method, Knowledge of Crystals – 3 Crystals and How u can heal with crystals, Basics of Pendulum Dowsing, Few Tips and Techniques, Meditation & Initiation

Fee 3100

Duration 3 Hours

Reiki Third Degree (Level 3A)

Course Content : Reiki Master Healer 3A, Revision of First and Second Degree, Meditation, Attunement Ceremony, 4th symbol of Reiki its uses and origin, Master Symbol Use, Self Healing Process, Third Eye Opening Techniques, Reiki moving meditation, Psychic Attack and Removal of Black Magic, Psychic Surgery, Topic on healing crisis,Knowledge of Crystals In Details, Setting up Reiki Grid and How to manifest it for Your Goals,Tips and Techniques, Initiation

Fee 5100

Duration 6 Hours

Reiki Third Degree (Level 3B)

Course Content : Reiki Master Teacher 3A 3B,Revision of First, Second and Reiki Master Teacher 3B Degree, Powerful Meditation, Self Healing, Crystal healing grid for 24 hours continuous healing, Attunement Ceremony, Anthkarna Symbol, Goal achievement, Attunement Process of Reiki 1, Attunement Process of Reiki 2, Attunement Process of Reiki 3 A, Initiation, How to set up class of all levels, Psychic surgery (removal of stones from body without operations), Code of Ethics for Master Teacher, Reiki Master Healer 3A 3B, Reiki Grand Master

Fee 11000

Duration 3 days

Reiki Grand Master ( GOLD MEDAL IN REIKI )

Course Content : Revision 1st to Master Healer levels, Real Story, Power of Mind, Karuna Reiki, Anthakarna Meditation, Procedure of attunement 1st, 2nd, IIIA & IIIB levels Initiations, Attunement for Reiki Grandmaster Process, Scientific principles, Transformation, Healing of various diseases in different methods, Powerful meditation, How to make your own Symbols and Systems, How to Grow Yourself Spiritually, Code of Ethics, Initiation, Attunement procedure of Grandmaster, Additional 75 symbols

Fee 21000

Duration 5 days



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