Hope with Priyanka

Angel Therapy/Angel Reading/ Healing Practitioner Course

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Angel Therapy/Angel Reading/ Healing Practitioner

Price @ Rs 11000

Duration 2 days with 3 hours daily class

The Course Includes : Course Module, Journal Exercise Book, Certificate, LifeTime what’s app Group, Congratulations Video Bite By Matster.

Kindly Note: This Course is Fully Professional Accredited as you will get a certificate of completion from Hope Foundation for completion of your therapy course

Who Are Angels ?

Angels are Those souls who are from beginning of the creation never lost contact with God never had physical lives and seek only to fulfill the will of the God angels can vary in form depending on needs of the expectations of those requesting for Help him they may appear either male or female but they are neither they are They are beings androgynous. of light energy They will manifest themselves in the way they We wish to see them

what is Angel Threapy Healing ?

Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with your guardian angels and archangels kind of like the managers of the angel world A particularly attune person can connect with angels through their own work. Others need a practitioner, who’ll use an angel card deck to give readings, and who can channel your angels and passed loved ones Angel healing works by seeking angel blessings for the highest good of the recipient. Everyone has their angel guides. In this healing, recipient’s angel guides are called upon to bring positivity and light in their life. This healing is equally beneficial even from a distance because it works on angel blessings and there’re no distance limits in the angelic world. Angelic healing works at all the levels, i.e. physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and all the issues if it is for the highest good of the recipient.

Why do it ?

According to practitioners, everyone has guardian angels and connecting with them helps create more peace in your life. Believers, well, believe that angels can give clear guidance in many areas —finances, relationships, health, and tapping into your life’s purpose. They’re practical helpers who intervene in our everyday lives, but you’ve gotta ask for their help, because angels don’t, and won’t, impose on anyone’s freewill. How polite!

What Will You Learn ?

This comprehensive and powerful online Angel Healing Therapy course will teach you how to ask and accept help from angels.

Whether you are taking the course to aid your own spiritual path, or to become a practitioner who helps others do the same, the course will teach you about the angels themselves as well as how to go about contacting them, the ways in which Angel Healing Therapy works, and how to start a business in this area as an Angel Healing Therapist.

Students will learn about the history of angels, as well as the different types of angels, and their hierarchy. You will also learn how to connect with angels and discover how to open yourself up to them, how to invoke angel protection, the types of angels you can all upon and what they are responsible for, and how to connect with your guardian angel. The work of angels can be difficult for us to understand, as they help in ways we that we are not aware of. You will work on your faith and fears ensuring you can work with angels in the most positive and productive way possible. You will also learn about the shielding power of angels and how this can benefit you. This Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course covers the 6 spiritual gifts and how you can go about uncovering any of these that you may have, as well as how to honour this and increase and improve any clairvoyant abilities you may have. The module also talks briefly about mediumship and how this can manifest itself.

  • Attunenment By Master
  • Distance Healing & Protection
  • How To Balance &Heal Your Chakras with the help of Angel’s
  • How To Solve Love Realationship issues with help of Angles
  • How To Heal Health issues With Help of Archangels and colorful Healings
  • Angels Coincidences and Signs Angels are Near
  • Archangels’ Roles and Responsibilities
  • Your Spiritual Growth and Psychic Ability
  • Work Health, Safety, Ethics and Presentation
  • Client Care and Consultation Techniques
  • Your Angel Therapy Business and Marketing
  • Benefits, Challenges, Chakras and Aura Work
  • Angel Treatment Plans and Client Sessions
  • Case Studies, Client Techniques, and Follow Up
  • Angel Therapy Summary and Overview

Who Would Benefit from This Course?

This course is ideal for those that wish to start a business as an Angel Therapist. Also, with links to Crystal Healing, Reiki, Numerology, Tarot, and other spiritual work, those working or studying in these areas will gain a lot from this course.

Upon completion of the course assessments, you can gain insurance to set up an exciting new venture as an Angel Healing Therapist or you can use your new skills alongside any other therapeutic practices.

The Angel Healing Therapy Diploma Course is also of benefit to anyone who wants to learn more about this fascinating subject and to add the practices to their day-to-day lives. As angels are always with us and they wish to help us, you need only ask and they will guide you through everyday events with as much importance as life-changing moments

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